Monday, September 26, 2011

Guerilla Cardio!

I have this great feeling these days. I have only 3 days left at work before i head home to Cairns for a month and then onto Thailand for some serious training.
It is definitely time to kick my training in the ass and boost my cardio. I am doing Guerilla cardio/ Tabata style training which has been scientifically proven to be awsome! It is basically interval training with 20 seconds of effort followed by 10 seconds of rest and then repeat for a total of 8 rounds. It might not sound like alot but it works.
Read the original article i found on the workout here here
This article recommends sprinting, but I dont think you should limit yourself. Anything done at 100% effort will get the results. I have done it sprinting, with push ups, on the bike, punching with weights and my favourite is sprinting on trails. Sprinting intervals on the trails adds a technicals element that I love. Its such a buzz moving through the trees at that speed.
So to conclude, if you want to get fit, burn fat and be awsome get out and do your sprints!