Saturday, March 17, 2012

Playing Sambo

Sambo is a quite comprehensive martial art. I made the mistake of comparing sambo with freestyle wrestling and Silviu was quick to correct me. Freestyle wrestling is grappling but sambo is fighting, it is combat. Sambo is used by military to stop an enemy as fast as possible.

For the last week and a bit I have been learning sambo with Silviu every day. That is barely enough time to scratch the surface of sambo, but I have learnt some cool things. We played around each day covering one or two techniques and then sparred for a while.
We practiced working from the clinch and building a sensitivity, for if I push my opponent usually pushes back and if i pull my opponents reaction is to pull back. Then the goal was to use this change in momentum to my advantage, to create an angle, to create an opportunity.

From here Silviu taught me a few different takedowns, a double leg, a big pick up on the shoulders and slam, a couple of nice single leg takedows. One that I really liked was a trip into a knee bar. Then we played around for a while with the knee bars, with different defences and counters. I loved learning the flow of the techniques. Starting with one takedown and if that doesn't work it would set me up for another then into a submission, a knee bar. And if he can defend that then he can grab a heel hook. And so on...

On the last day Silviu and I just went back over everything he had taught me, doing ten per side to help commit it to memory. Sometimes I wish I could spend a few years learning from this guy, but real life awaits.

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